360 Skills Development Sewing AssessmentFirst NameLast NameWhatsApp NumberMaths SectionWhat is 20 x 30?Your bill in the restaurant is R300. You want to give the waiter a 10% tip. What is the amount of the tip? R390 R30 R3 R330 R15What is 100 + 26 + 33A garment needs 5 meters material. There is 300 meters on a role. How many garments can you manufacture in total? 5 garments 1500 garments 60 garments 12 garments 120 garmentsWhat is the answer: (76-31)+(15*3) = If my work starts at 8am and I work till 5pm, but I have 1 hour lunch, how many hours did I work for the dayColour Blindness TestWhat number do you see here?What number do you see here?What number do you see here?What number do you see here?What number do you see here?What number do you see here?What number do you see here?What do you see here? Cow No Pattern Springbok DressWhat do you see here? Cow Springbok Dress No PatternAccuracy TestCompare each set of information and select if they are the same or differentISBN 1-86823-452-5ISBN 1-86823-542-5Make selectionSameDifferent1258 555/7901258 555/790Make selectionSameDifferentModel CY26812 Retail Pocket CalculatorModel CY26812 Pocket Retail CalculatorMake selectionSameDifferent0000000000000000Make selectionSameDifferentISBN 1-86823-452-5ISBN 1-86823-545-2Make selectionSameDifferentTintenrollerTintenröllerMake selectionSameDifferentLegislationLestgilatonMake selectionSameDifferentAssistantAssistantMake selectionSameDifferentIJL 504 (LAC)IJL (504 LAC)Make selectionSameDifferentaBsenceaBsenceMake selectionSameDifferentStatutory FormsStatut0ry FormsMake selectionSameDifferent0.100000468710.10000464871Make selectionSameDifferentAre these images exactly the same?Make selectionSameDifferentMake selectionSameDifferentMake selectionSameDifferentMake selectionSameDifferentMake selectionSameDifferentSubmit Answers