Form 21 - Satisfaction Survey for facilitators, learners and other stakeholders
PoorAverageExcellentNot Apllicable
General atmosphere of the company
Availability of administrative assistance when required
The attitude of the employee when approached with your queries
Treat you as a valued learner
Being greeted with a smile when you visit your Skills Development Provider
Listen effectively to your needs
Tidiness and appearance of employee working area
Respond period for sourcing a lecturer or information needed
Prompt follow-up to written or telephonic requests
General appearance of the Employee
Reception area clearly identified
Ability to conduct conversations with employee in private
Availability of learner counsellor when required
Tidiness and appearance of reception area
Companies’ ability to maintain high standards
Physical resources in classes (chairs/tables/whiteboard)
Training methodologies of facilitators are varied and interesting
Professionalism of Facilitators
Punctuality of Facilitators
Feedback on completed assignments or tests