Form 21 - Satisfaction Survey for facilitators, learners and other stakeholdersPlease indicate your perception of the following:PoorAverageExcellentNot ApllicableGeneral atmosphere of the companyAvailability of administrative assistance when requiredThe attitude of the employee when approached with your queriesTreat you as a valued learnerBeing greeted with a smile when you visit your Skills Development ProviderListen effectively to your needsTidiness and appearance of employee working areaRespond period for sourcing a lecturer or information neededPrompt follow-up to written or telephonic requestsGeneral appearance of the EmployeeReception area clearly identifiedAbility to conduct conversations with employee in privateAvailability of learner counsellor when requiredTidiness and appearance of reception areaCompanies’ ability to maintain high standardsPhysical resources in classes (chairs/tables/whiteboard)Training methodologies of facilitators are varied and interestingProfessionalism of FacilitatorsPunctuality of FacilitatorsFeedback on completed assignments or testsWould you recommend Learn:Blended to your friends? How many said YES?Would you recommend Learn:Blended to your friends? How many said NO?For the learners who said No, summarise and list the reasonsGeneral CommentsSubmit Form